Wednesday 19 July 2017

Fool, Follia, Φολλίς

From I gather the following:

fool (adj.)
{c. 1200, "sinful, wicked; lecherous" (a fool woman (c. 1300) was "a prostitute"), from fool (n.1).}

and ... fool (n.1)
{early 13c., "silly, stupid, or ignorant person," from Old French fol "madman, insane person; idiot; rogue; jester," also "blacksmith's bellows," also an adjective meaning "mad, insane" (12c., Modern French fou), from Medieval Latin follus (adj.) "foolish," from Latin follis "bellows, leather bag," from PIE root *bhel- (2) "to blow, swell."

The sense evolution probably is from Vulgar Latin use of follis in a sense of "windbag, empty-headed person."}

Etymonline is a relible eymological source for me as it has managed to index the most expensive etymological dictionaries, I would not have had access to if it wasn't for this online tool.

I believe though the linguists here are myopic and overeager to resolve the etymology of Latin follis and connect it with a PIE root, overlooking the greek connection, probably influenced by the use of Vulgar Latin as stated just above.

Considering the use of fool is attested very early, Vulgar latin may have been influenced back by the use of the word, not of course necessarily in English, but by the use of the "sinful, wicked; lecherous" meaning of the word in other languages of the time.

Linguists simply cannot overlook the Greek use of word, especially when there is no sign of evolution, but the word is carried over as identical.

Φολλίς (follis) in Greek means a thin layer, it most probably of aiolic origin and was later used in Roman and Byzantine times to describe a greenish cheap coin with a silver outer layer, the folla (plural follia). The name carries on well into the 14th century in the form of trifollaro (greek form) trifollaris (latin version). 1 trifollaro = 3 follia.

So usage of this coin surpasses historically even that of a fool woman, the prostitute, which in turn may be derived from folla, meanning "cheap".

To this I will add the alternate PIE root etymology that was proposed and overlooked in favour of the PIE root *bhel- (2) "to blow, swell", and that is from PIE root *dʰolyom (*dʰel- (“be green”)). Green was the colour that these coins often took after some time because of the low quality of silver, so there may well be a meaningfull connection.

The Greek φολίς (flake) wtith 1 "λ", has an unknown etymology, so it may be a simplification of φολλίς, hence the similarity in meaning.


Jinx, Ίυγξ (wryneck, Θερκοπούλι)

jinx (n.)
1911, American English, originally baseball slang; perhaps ultimately from jyng "a charm, a spell" (17c.), originally "wryneck" (also jynx), a bird used in witchcraft and divination, from Latin iynx "wryneck," from Greek iynx.

Στην ελληνική μυθολογία με το όνομα Ίυγξ είναι γνωστή μία θυγατέρα του θεού Πάνα και της Νύμφης Ηχούς. Αναφέρεται ότι η Ίυγξ έδωσε στον Δία να πιει το μαγικό φίλτρο του έρωτα, που του προκάλεσε τον ασίγαστο ερωτικό πόθο για την Ιώ. Για τον λόγο αυτό, η ζηλιάρα Ήρα τη μεταμόρφωσε στο ομώνυμο πουλί (το σημερινό jynx torquilla της οικογένειας των δρυοκολαπτιδών), το οποίο χρησιμοποιούσαν οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες ως ξόρκι του έρωτα. Π.χ. δίνεται από τη θεά του έρωτα Αφροδίτη στον Ιάσονα, ο οποίος περιστρέφοντάς το και απαγγέλλοντας κάποιες μαγικές λέξεις προκαλεί τον έρωτα στη Μήδεια.

Σε μία άλλη παράδοση, η Ίυγξ ήταν κόρη του Πιέρου, που με τις αδελφές της προκάλεσαν σε διαγωνισμό τις Μούσες, έχασαν και η Ίυγξ μεταμορφώθηκε στο ομώνυμο πτηνό (σήμερα γνωστό ως θερκοπούλι).

In Greek mythology, Iynx was an Arkadian Oreiad nymph; a daughter of the god Pan and either Peitho or Echo. She cast a spell on Zeus which caused him to fall in love with Io. In consequence of this, Hera metamorphosed her into the bird called iynx (Eurasian wryneck, jynx torquilla).

According to another story, she was a daughter of Pierus, and as she and her sisters had presumed to enter into a musical contest with the Muses, she was changed into the bird iynx. This bird, the symbol of passionate and restless love, was given by Aphrodite to Jason, who, by turning it round and pronouncing certain magic words, excited the love of Medea.
